How to report concerns with the medical devices used in turbinate procedures in the United States. The U.S. Drug and Food Administration (FDA) is the regulatory body in charge of "restricted" medical devices in the United States. Some examples of devices are radiofrequency probes, lasers, and coblation wands.
1) People who received surgery in the United States should report harm that occurred to you from the medical device used in the surgery here.
This is very important to do. It will show up as a publicly searchable MAUDE report. Please make sure to include Empty Nose Syndrome in your report.
2) Anyone in the world can go to this FDA link to report false or misleading advertising around a medical device and the FDA will investigate.
Note that the FDA may take a year to get to your report so be patient. For more information on how advertising of medical devices is regulated in the United States see this document.