While in the previous post I explained why ENS can affect the sleep, in this post I will explain how a CPAP machine can help you to sleep better.
There are two types of machines, the CPAP which is normally designed for obstructive sleep apnea and servo ventilation which is designed for central sleep apnea.
A CPAP is a machine which sends pressurized air at constant pressure, generally between 4 to 20 cmH2O through a mask. The air expands the upper airways in order to prevent the obstructive apnea. Of course, this machine can also help you if in addition to ENS you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea which is more common than you think ( 40% of men older than 40 years). But this machine can also help you to breath at night. The pressure and the velocity of the air increases the airflow sensation which is good for respiratory reflex and can decrease the central sleep apnea. In addition, you can choose a CPAP with a humidifier bloc, which can humidify your nose well with correct settings and a heating pipe.
A servo ventilation works differently: there are two levels of pressure, one for the expiratory pressure and the second for the inspiratory pressure. There are two other settings, the breath per minute (BPM) and the inspiration time, which is often between 1,5s and 2s. This machine litterally breathes for you. But a breath to be initiated, the difference between the two levels of pressure should be high enough, more than 10 cmH2O which is not comfortable. Moreover, this machine is difficult to obtain. You need a polysomnography record which shows multiple central apnea.
Then if you have sleep problem related to ENS, you can try CPAP machine first with a good humidifier bloc. I also advise you to use a nasal mask like on the picture below. I feel that it's better to retain humidity in the nose.

If CPAP does not improve your sleep, you can consider the servo ventilation. But I have personally never tolerated it and even with high difference of pressure it is not able to maintain my oxygen saturation. I wake up after 2 or 3 minutes due to the lack of breathing airflow.